Photographer Florian Braakman has lived and worked in Rotterdam-Delfshaven since 2013. In September 2020, he temporarily moved his practice to Rotterdam - Charlois to create new work for art festival Charlois Speciaal. This new environment incited him to adopt new routines and attitudes, leading to unplanned encounters with residents and situations. Using a film camera, Florian moved intuitively through the various neighbourhoods of Charlois, getting to know the previously unfamiliar district. His silent film Dit is Zuid, 2020 takes the viewer on a journey past people, urban nature, habits and the changes that Charlois is going through. Dit is Zuid reflects on current themes such as migration and identity, but is also an ‘observation exercise’ and an ode to the neighbourhood. The film has been screened in various locations in Charlois’ public space.
Stills from the 12:33 min. full HD silent movie